Function “Loadouts”: Polymorphism & Mixins#

What if you have some common AI functions that you want to share with multiple kani? For example, what if you’ve written a solid calculator suite you want to give to two different kani - one with web retrieval and one without.

Since kani are implemented in pure Python, you can accomplish this with polymorphism!

Base Class#

One method is to make one of the kani a base, then subclass it to extend its functionality:

class BaseKani(Kani):
    def calculate(self, expr: str):

class ChildKani(BaseKani):
    def search(self, query: str):

In this example, the ChildKani has access to both search and calculate.


But in some cases, you won’t necessarily have a single base to extend, and you might want to share multiple different modular “loadouts” of functions. @ai_functions don’t have to be defined in Kani classes, so in this case, you can use a mixin!

# note: the mixin isn't a subclass of Kani!
class CalculatorMixin:
    def add(self, left: float, right: float):
        return left + right

    def mul(self, left: float, right: float):
        return left * right

# reuse it to give a loadout of functions to multiple kani!
class MyKani(CalculatorMixin, Kani):
    def search(self, query: str):

class SomeOtherKani(CalculatorMixin, Kani):
    def music(self, song: str):

In this example, both the kani (MyKani and SomeOtherKani) have access to add and mul in addition to the functions defined in their class body.

Just as in normal Python, you can inherit from multiple mixins. You can use this to build kani with modular sets of functionality!