Message Parts#

In some advanced use cases, ChatMessage.content may be a tuple of MessagePart or str rather than a string. ChatMessage exposes ChatMessage.text (always a string or None) and (always a list of message parts), which we recommend using instead of ChatMessage.content. These properties are dynamically generated based on the underlying content, and it is safe to mix messages with different content types in a single Kani.

Generally, message part classes are defined by the engine, and consumed by the developer. Message parts can be used in any role’s message - for example, you might use a message part in an assistant message to separate out a chain of thought from a user reply, or in a user message to supply an image to a multimodal model.

Let’s say you wanted your model to perform a chain-of-thought before replying to the user, but didn’t want that chain of thought to be visible in its output. In the example below, we’ll define a hidden ThoughtPart that contains this data, and have our engine use this when building the prompt. This may be a little bit contrived, but hopefully it demonstrates how to use the MessagePart interface.

Defining a MessagePart#

To define a MessagePart, you should create a new class that inherits from MessagePart.

Under the hood, a MessagePart is a Pydantic model, so to add attributes to your part, you can define them as type-annotated class variables. For example, to add a data attribute with a string type, you can define data: str.

Next, you’ll want to define the __str__() method, which is how kani defines the behaviour when your message part is cast to a string. This happens in a couple places:

  1. The message part is displayed to the user through a string-casting method (e.g. Kani.full_round_str())

  2. The user is using the chat_in_terminal() development utility

  3. The message was provided to an engine that does not support the class (e.g. an image part in a text-only model).

The default behaviour is to transform the part to a Python-esque representation of its data (e.g. <ThoughtPart data="...">) and log a warning. You can override this method to specify the canonical string representation of your message part.

from kani import MessagePart

class ThoughtPart(MessagePart):
    # hold some string data that is the chain-of-thought
    data: str

    # when stringified, this part should be hidden from the user/any engine that does not explicitly support it
    def __str__(self):
        return ""

When you define a MessagePart, kani will automatically register serialization and deserialization schemes for your class, so that all MessageParts are compatible with and Kani.load().


If you change the attributes or location of the class definition, old data may fail to be loaded into a new class.

Using MessageParts in Engines#

Once we define a message part, we need to tell the engine how to use it. Since message parts are designed to provide engine-specific metadata while maintaining cross-engine compatibility, engines should check for the classes they know and cast unknown classes to a string. This lets parts control how they will be serialized in engines that don’t natively support them.

A common, but not necessary, pattern is to write an engine that wraps other engines. This wrapper engine acts as a translation layer for specific message parts, eventually compiling a single string (or list of strings) for a base engine (e.g. LlamaEngine) to consume.

Here’s the implementation for our chain-of-thought example. Note how we translate the parts by building a new message with a string content composed of parts in translate_message, then use that method in our implementations of message_len and predict.

from kani import AIFunction, ChatMessage, MessagePart
from kani.engines.base import BaseEngine, Completion

class ChainOfThoughtEngine(BaseEngine):
    def __init__(self, engine: BaseEngine):
        self.engine = engine
        self.max_context_size = engine.max_context_size

    def translate_message(message: ChatMessage) -> ChatMessage:
        """Translate a input message into a simple string-only message to pass to the underlying engine."""
        content = ""
        # iterate over parts: if it's a thought, place its data in the content; otherwise prefix it with "Answer: "
        for part in
            if isinstance(part, ThoughtPart):
                content += f"{}\n"
                content += f"Answer: {str(part)}"
        # return the translated message
        return message.copy_with(content=content.strip())

    # === BaseEngine interface ===
    def message_len(self, message: ChatMessage) -> int:
        return self.engine.message_len(self.translate_message(message))

    async def predict(
        self, messages: list[ChatMessage], functions: list[AIFunction] | None = None, **hyperparams
    ) -> Completion:
        # translate the messages
        translated_messages = [self.translate_message(m) for m in messages]

        # generate a completion using the underlying engine given those messages
        result = await self.engine.predict(translated_messages, functions, **hyperparams)

        # parse the string-completion back into parts - with some checks to make sure the model actually output the
        # right format
        text = result.message.text
        if "Answer:" in text:
            thought, answer = text.split("Answer:", 1)
            message_with_parts = result.message.copy_with(parts=[ThoughtPart(data=thought.strip()), answer.strip()])
            message_with_parts = result.message

        # we'll print the result so you can see the parts, though a real engine wouldn't want to
        print("Model response with parts:",
        # and return the modified answer
        return Completion(

    # additional overrides that pass-through to underlying engine
    def function_token_reserve(self, functions):
        return self.engine.function_token_reserve(functions)

    async def close(self):
        return await self.engine.close()

Now, we can use this engine by passing an underlying engine to it, prompt our model to follow our chain-of-thought format, and see how it works!

cot_engine = ChainOfThoughtEngine(OpenAIEngine())
ai = Kani(
        "When answering the user, think step by step. Output your thoughts first, "
        'then output the final answer on its own line, in the format "Answer: {answer}".'

# USER: Roger has 5 tennis balls. He buys 2 more cans of tennis balls. Each can has 3 tennis balls.
# How many tennis balls does he have now?
# Model response with parts:
#   [ThoughtPart(data='Roger already has 5 tennis balls. He buys 2 more cans of tennis balls, and each can has 3 tennis balls. \n\nTo find out how many tennis balls he has now, we need to multiply the number of cans with the number of tennis balls in each can. Since he bought 2 cans, we multiply 2 by 3:\n\n2 cans * 3 tennis balls per can = 6 tennis balls from the cans\n\nNext, we add the number of tennis balls he already had:\n\n5 tennis balls + 6 tennis balls = 11 tennis balls'),
#   'Roger now has 11 tennis balls.']
# AI: Roger now has 11 tennis balls.

See how the engine splits up the model’s response into two parts: the thought and the displayed answer. In the chat_in_terminal() development utility, we only display the displayed answer, but in a larger application you’d get the full ChatMessage, and you could iterate over the parts to handle displaying the thought with your own application logic.

If you switch to a different base engine and inject the chat history, the base engine won’t see the thoughts, since the default stringification behaviour is to return the empty string. This means that you can build complex engine behaviour that won’t interfere with other engines.

Now you can use any message part you can think of - and you can create user messages with parts too.